Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Shyam Lal College Admission 2015-2016 Application Form fees prospectus

Shyam Lal College

Admission 2015-2016

Camera Acting & Theater Presentation
Advertising & PR
Mass Communication & Journalism 
Radio Jockeying, Anchoring & TV News Reading

Minimum 10+2 Students pursuing graduation or PG with any universities, Institutes/colleges International Students can apply.

Classes: 2 to 3 classes per week. After regular College hours. Weekend classes also available.

Application Form can be obtained on payment of Rs. 100/- at Account Office of Shyam Lal College or rom RKFMA (Karol Bath). Applicants may be asked to appear for screening.

Shyam Lal College
University of Delhi 
Website: www.shyamlal.du.ac.in