Sunday, 21 September 2014

MDI Gurgaon PGP-EM NMP Admission 2015-2016 Personal Interviews form fees date

Management Developement Institute (MDI Gurgaon) 

MDI Gurgaon Admission 2015-2016

Post Graduate Programme in Management Energy Management (PGP-EM) 
National Management Programme (NMP) 

Applicants have to apply online by visiting MDI website. They can click on the programme they wish to apply for and follow the instructions given on the website. Online registration will be Open till November 28, 2014, 17:00 hrs. Candidates have to make an online payment of Rs 1800/- using Credit/Debit card/Net Banking. After the payment has been made an application receipt is generated, the candidates must take the printout of the application receipt and bring along with them at the time of their Personal Interviews. 

Management Developement Institute (MDI Gurgaon) 