Entrance Exam 2015-2016
PGI Chandigarh MD MS PG Entrance Exam 2015 (January)
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh, announces admission to Doctor of Medicine (MD) and Master of Surgery (MS) Programmes for 2015 session through entrance exam.
Doctor of Medicine (MD)
Anaesthesia, Biochemistry, Community Medicine, Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology, Medicine, Microbiology, Nuclear Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Paediatrics, Psychiatry, Radio-diagnosis, Pathology, Pharmacology, Radiotherapy Transfusion Medicine, Forensic Medicine
Master of Surgery (MS)
Surgery, Orthopaedics, Otolaryngology, Ophthalmology
Selection Procedure
Candidates will considered for selection to MD/MS courses based on a theory paper consisting of 250 multiple choice questions (MCQs) with five alternatives each and single / multiple correct responses Negative marks will be given for incorrect responses marked
The duration of this competitive entrance examination, to the conducted at various centres at Chandigarh is three hours
Important Dates:
The last date of receipt of applications is 14th October 2014 (upto 05.00 PM)
Entrance Examination Date: 16th November 2014 at 10.00 AM
For details visit http://pgimer.edu.in/PGIMER_PORTAL/PGIMERPORTAL/home.jsp