Prin L N Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research (PLNWIMDR Mumbai)
Admission 2015-2016
Mastes in Information Management (MIM) (Part Time)
Masters in Financial Management (MFM) (Part Time)
Masters in Human Resource Development Management (MHRDM) (Part Time)
Masters in Marketing Management (MMM) (Part Time)
On successfully filling in the Application form, you will be prompted to download the Application form in PDF format. You will need to download and print the form, handwrite the essay questions, sign the declaration and send the completed Application form alongwith necessary documents to the "Welingkar Institute of Management" Lakhamshi Napoo Road, Near Matunga (Central Rly.), Mumbai-400019
Prin L N Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research (PLNWIMDR Mumbai)