Wednesday, 5 November 2014

JEE (MAIN) Entrance Exam 2015-2016 Online application form date fees prospectus

Entrance Exam 2015-2016


The aspiring candidates have to apply online only through JEE (Main) website. The online application process will start from 7th November, 2014 onwards, the last date for application is 18th December, 2014. The eligibility criteria for JEE (Main) & JEE (Advanced) are different. 

JEE (Main) - 2015 shall have two papers, Paper-1 (B.E./B.Tech.) and Paper-2(B. Arch./ B. Planning). Depending upon on the course(s) candidates are seeking admission, may take Paper-1 (B.E./B. Tech.), or Paper-2 (B. Arch./ B. Planning), or both.

How To Apply:
Online application has to be submitted through JEE (Main) - 2015 website. The aspiring candidate should furnish all the details and upload scanned image of his/her photograph, signature and left hand thumb impression while filling up the 'On-line' Application. Candidates are required to take a print out of the computer generated acknowledgment slip after successful submission of data and payment of fee and keep the same in the safe custody for any future reference.
Important Note:
The entire application process is online, including uploading of photograph & signature and payment of fee the candidates are required NOT to send any document to JEE (Main) Secretariat.
Seven (7) Steps to be followed to apply online.
Step 1: Download the information bulletin and read it carefully to ensure your eligibility.
Step 2: Read the contents of Online Format and instructions for applying online given in the Information Bulletin and keep the entire information ready.
Step 3: Keep the Scanned Images of your Photograph, Signature and Left Hand Thumb Impression ready in JPG format only.
Step 4: Fill in the Online Application Form.
Step 5: Upload Scanned Images of Photograph, Signature and Left Hand Thumb Impression.
Step 6: Pay Examination Fee by Debit/Credit card or e-challan (generated after submission of details in online application form).
Step 7: Download Acknowledgement Slip and keep the same in safe custody for future reference.
NOTE: The candidate should mention only his/her own Mobile No. and E-Mail ID while submitting the ON-line application, as all the communications will be sent to the candidates on their registered Mobile Number and E-mail ID only.
For information about JEE (Advanced), the candidates are advised to visit JEE (Advanced)

For details visit

JNTU Hyderabad MBA BAMS MBBS BTech Admission 2015-2016 registration fee form date

JNTU Hyderabad MBA BAMS MBBS BTech Admission 2015-2016 registration fee form date 

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU Hyderabad)

JNTU Hyderabad Admission 2015-2016

MBA (International Business)
Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)
Bachelor of Technology (BTech)

The application for the test is available online only ( or The registration fee is Rs. 300, but additional fees apply if you submit after 1 April, 2014 (see Important dates above). The fee can be paid at AP online centres, mee-seva centers, e-seva centres in AP or with a debit/credit card. Make sure to print out the completed application. You must bring this with you on exam day with a passport sized photograph affixed. It is also your responsibility to make sure you have the correct question booklet for the subject in which you are eligible to take admission.

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU Hyderabad)
Andhra Pradesh 

University of Calcutta PhD Business Management Admission 2015-2016 Written test form date

University of Calcutta

Admission 2015-2016

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (Business Management)

Admission Process: Written test will be of 100 marks of 3 (three) hours duration
The modules of test will be 3 (three) namely the following; Quantitative and Logical Reasoning with weight of 40%; Analysis of a Business issue with weight of 30%; two concept papers (to be selected from the given research themes) with weight of 30%; qualifying marks for written test 40; interview of 100 marks
Selection would be made from the written test qualified candidates and the eligible exempted category candidates on the basis of the marks in the interview only (subject to clearance of equivalence)
List of eligible candidates for PET written test will be displayed on the Notice Board of the Dept and on the website

University of Calcutta
West Bengal 

Jamia Hamdard University MBA BCA BBA Admission 2015-2016 Application form prospectus

Jamia Hamdard University

Admission 2015-2016

MBA in General
MBA in Pharmaceutical Management
Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
MBA in Health and Hospital Management

Application form and prospectus by post the Demand Draft in favor of Jamia Hamdard payable at New Delhi, along with the request be sent to Assistant Registrar (Admissions ), Jamia Hamdard University, Hamdard Nagar, New Delhi – 110062
The application form can also be downloaded from the University website at In such cases, the candidate should add an additional amount in respect of cost of application form (Rs. 500/- for Indian Nationals and Rs. 1500/- or US$ 30 for Foreign Nationals/NRI/Sponsored candidates). The application form will be given free of cost to children of all the categories of Jamia Hamdard employees.

Jamia Hamdard University
Hamdard Nagar 
New Delhi 

KSOU Mysore MBA MEd MCom Admission 2015 Karnataka State Open University prospectus application form fees date

KSOU Mysore MBA MEd MCom Admission 2015 Karnataka State Open University prospectus application form fees date

Karnataka State Open University (KSOU Mysore)

Admission 2015-2016

Master of Education (MEd)
Master of Commerce (MCom)
Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Proof of Qualification: Attested/notarized photocopies of the last qualifying exam and statement of marks (degree certificate/mark sheet)
3 passport size photographs
Attested photo copy of the marriage certificate (if applicable) indicating change in name.
Proof of Date of Birth: Scanned copy of any one of the document which mentions the Date of Birth of the candidate:
10th Std. Mark sheet
10th School Leaving Certificate
10th Transfer Certificate / Character Certificate
Copy of the passport
You will need to get 3 photocopies of the above mentioned documents attested/notarized by a gazette officer of the Government.

Karnataka State Open University (KSOU Mysore)
Distance Education 

Thapar University Patiala BTech BE Admission 2015-2016 application form fees date prospectus

Thapar University Patiala BTech BE Admission 2015-2016 application form fees date prospectus 

Thapar University, Patiala

Thapar University Admission 2015-2016

Bachelor of Technology (BTech) 
Bachelor of Engineering (BE)

Admissions to BE / B.Tech. programmes shall be made on the basis of merit in AIEEE – 2014. Only those candidates shall be eligible, who score at least 20% (15% for SC / ST) aggregate marks in AIEEE – 2014. In addition, minimum 60% (55% for SC / ST) marks in aggregate of Physics, Mathematics & Chemistry / Biology / Biotechnology / Computer Science at 10+2 level or equivalent examination are also required to be eligible for admission.

Thapar University, Patiala

XIM Bhubaneswar MBA PGDM Admission 2015-2016 test date form fees Written Ability Test Personal Interview

Xavier Institute of Management (XIM Bhubaneswar) 

XIM Bhubaneswar Admission 2015-2016

PGDM in Executive (Part Time)
MBA in Executive
MBA & PhD (Integrated PhD)
Doctoral of Philosophy (PhD) (Management)
MBA in Business Management
MBA in Global

Candidates short-listed on the basis of admission test (XAT, CAT, GMAT or X-GMAT) scores will be called for Writing Ability Test and Personal Interview at Bangalore, Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata or Mumbai. Candidates will have to meet their own travel/stay expenses for attending the interview session.
The final selection will be based on the candidate's performance in XAT/CAT/GMAT/X-GMAT, Written Ability Test & Personal Interview, and will take into account the past academic record and relevant work experience.
The last date to fill up the application form is December 5, 2014.

Xavier Institute of Management (XIM Bhubaneswar) 

IIM Ahmedabad FPM Admission 2015-2016 application form fee date prospectus

IIM Ahmedabad FPM Admission 2015-2016 application form fee date prospectus 

Indian Institute of Management (IIM Ahmedabad)

Admission 2015-2016

Fellow Programme in Management (FPM)

A Master's Degree in any discipline, with at least 55 per cent marks, with the Bachelor's degree/equivalent qualification obtained after a minimum of three years of education after completing higher secondary schooling (10+2) or equivalent (OR) Five year Integrated Masters Degree programme in any discipline, with atleast 55 percent marks

Indian Institute of Management (IIM Ahmedabad)

IIT Hyderabad MTech Admission 2015-2016 application fee form date prospectus

IIT Hyderabad MTech Admission 2015-2016 application fee form date prospectus 

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Hyderabad)

IIT Hyderabad Admission 2015-2016

MTech (Materials Science & Engineering)
MTech (Chemical Engineering)
MTech (Mechanical Engineering)
MTech Computer Science Engineering

The application fee is 400/- for general/OBC category and 200/- for SC/ST category.
A demand draft in the name of "Registrar IIT Hyderabad" Payable at SBI, KANDI branch, for the above should be sent to the address given below. 
Contact For more information, contact:
 Dean (Academics) Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad Ordnance Factory Estate Yeddumailaram 502205 Andhra Pradesh 

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Hyderabad)
Andhra Pradesh 

Christian Medical College CMC Vellore Post Basic BSc Nursing Admission 2015-2016 application form fee date

Christian Medical College (CMC Vellore) 

Admission 2015-2016

Fellowship in Nursing
Post Basic BSc Nursing
Post Basic Diploma Programmes in Nursing (PBDPN)
MSc Nursing

All Relevant enclosure and Demand Draft / proof of online payment /original ICICI challan should reach the office of the Registrar, College of Nursing, Christian Medical College, Vellore-632004, South Indian on or before 02nd December 2014
The application form for registration with the Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives Council (TNNMC) can be downloaded from the website

Christian Medical College (CMC Vellore) 
Tamil Nadu 

ISB Hyderabad PGPM FPM MFAB Admission 2015-2016 Application Fee form date prospectus

ISB Hyderabad PGPM FPM MFAB Admission 2015-2016 Application Fee form date prospectus 

Indian School of Business (ISB Hyderabad)

Admission 2015-2016

Post Graduate Program in Management (PGPM)
Fellow Program in Management (FPM)
Management Programme for Family Business (MFAB)

Application Fee
A non- refundable application fee will have to be paid at the time of submission of the application; payments can be made only via credit card
It also includes the fee for BAT
The fee amount is dependent on the date when the application is submitted
Fee for Early Applications will be Rs. 5000/- (Applications submitted by 31st October 2014, 05.00pm (IST) will be considered as early application)
The application fee for final deadline will be Rs.15000/- (Applications submitted after 30th October 2014, 05.00 pm (IST) will NOT be considered as Early Application and will automatically be charged Rs.15000/-)

Indian School of Business (ISB Hyderabad)
Andhra Pradesh 

NALSAR University of Law Hyderabad MBA Admission 2015-2016 Application Form fees date prospectus

NALSAR University of Law Hyderabad MBA Admission 2015-2016 Application Form fees date prospectus 

NALSAR University of Law (NALSARU Hyderabad)

Admission 2015-2016

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

1.      Graduates of any discipline with at least 50% marks in aggregate from a recognized institute/university. Candidates appearing in the qualification exam are also eligible to apply.
2.      Below 30 years of age for people applying under the general category and 32 years for SC/ST/People with Disability.

Send the duly filled-in Application Form along with the relevant documents to “The Registrar, NALSAR University of Law, Justice City, Shameerpet, R.R. Dist. – 500 078 A.P.” mentioning ‘M.B.A. Application Form 2014-16’ on the top of the envelope.

NALSAR University of Law (NALSARU Hyderabad)
Andhra Pradesh  

NID Ahmedabad Admission 2015-2016 PGDPD GDPD MDes BDes form prospectus date fees

NID Ahmedabad Admission 2015-2016 PGDPD GDPD MDes BDes form prospectus date fees 

National Institute of Design (NID Ahmedabad) 

NID Ahmedabad Admission 2015-2016

Post Graduate Diploma Programme in Design (PGDPD)
Graduate Diploma Programme in Design GDPD Textile Apparel and Lifestyle Design
Graduate Diploma Programme in Design GDPD Communication Design
Master of Design (MDes)
Bachelor of Design (BDes)

Application Forms can be downloaded from the website and printed and sent along with a Demand Draft of Rs. 1500/- [For General Category] and Rs 750/-[for Reserved Categories (SC/ST/OBC/PH)] drawn on any bank in favour of 'National Institute of Design' payable at Ahmedabad along with the relevant documents. Those applying for two postgraduate disciplines must send two separate application forms along with two separate sets of relevant documents and demand drafts.
Reserved category candidates must send an attested copy of the relevant certificate from the competent authority. SC/ST candidates must send their caste certificate. PH candidates must send disability certificate From the Chief Medical Officer. 

National Institute of Design (NID Ahmedabad) 

Monday, 3 November 2014

Osmania University Distance Education MBA MCA MCom Admission 2015-2016 Application Form fees date prospectus

Prof G Ram Reddy Centre for Distance Education, Osmania University (OUCDE Hyderabad)

Osmania University Distance Education Admission 2015-2016

Master of Commerce (MCom)
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Master of Computer Applications (MCA)

1.      Know the eligibility for the course from the Prospectus.
2.      Download the Application Form.
3.      Fill up the Application Form.
4.      Attach all enclosures as required (ORIGINALS & A SET OF XEROX COPIES).
5.      Attach the DD for Rs.300/- + Admission Fee (eg. For M.Com Rs.4,500/-).
6.      For other than Telangana and A.P. states, attach a separate DD for Rs.1,000/-  (non refundable) in favour of “REGISTRAR, OSMANIA UNIVERSITY” payable at Hyderabad towards Equivalence Certificate to be issued by Osmania University Academic Branch. However, Admission Fee will be returned if found ineligible.

Prof G Ram Reddy Centre for Distance Education, Osmania University (OUCDE Hyderabad)
Osmania University 
Andhra Pradesh 

S.K University Distance Education BSc MA MSc Admission 2015-2016

Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Directorate of Distance Education (SKUDDE Andhra Pradesh)

S.K. University Admission 2015-2016

Master of Science (MSc) (Mathematics)
Master of Arts (MA) [Streams in: [(Economics, English, History, Political Sc, Sociology, Telugu)]
Bachelor of Science BSc
Appliation form and prospectus can be obtaied on cash payment of Rs. 330 or Rs. 350 by DD in favour of Director, Centre for Ditance Education on Andhra Bank 410 SKU Branch, Anantapur or 'State Bank of India, Anantapur', if required by post. Completed application

Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Directorate of Distance Education (SKUDDE Andhra Pradesh)
Andhra Pradesh 

IMI New Delhi PGDM PGDHRM Admission 2015-2016 application fee form date prospectus

IMI New Delhi PGDM PGDHRM Admission 2015-2016 application fee form date prospectus  

International Management Institute (IMI New Delhi)
IMI New Delhi Admission 2015-2016
Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) (Banking and Insurance)
Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (PGDHRM)
Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) (Delhi, Kolkata & Bhubaneswar, Admission 2015-17, Full Time)
Applicant should complete the online application form and submit the same along with the admission fee which is non refundable
The admission application fee will be as follows
An applicant desirous of applying to any program in any of the three campuses of IMI will be required to pay a common application fee of Rs. 1500/- plus a program fee of Rs.500/- per program per campus
Candidate applying to just one program, in one campus will be required to pay Rs.1500/- plus Rs. 500/-
The admission fee can be paid through credit card/debit card through the designated payment gateway
International Management Institute (IMI New Delhi)
New Delhi

APSU Rewa MBA BBA Admission 2015-2016 Application forms entrance test fees date

Awadesh Pratap Singh University (APSU Rewa)

Admission 2015-2016

Advanced Post Graduate Diploma in Bioinformatics (APGDBI)
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
MBA (Industrial Relations and Personnel Management)

Application forms can be obtained from Prof.-In-Charge of the course concerned / Office of the Director, SSP by sending a Demand Draft of Rs.600/- in favour of the Registrar-SSP” Payable at Rewa.

Candidates appearing in the qualifying examination may also apply. Admission will be made on the basis of merit obtained in Entrance Test to be held at A.P.S. University, Rewa (Also see Admission Brochure Rules). No TA/DA shall be paid for appearing in the test.

Awadesh Pratap Singh University (APSU Rewa)
Madhya Pradesh 

Symbiosis SCDL MBA PGDRM PGDIT PGDHRM PGDIB Admission 2015-2016 Prospectus Application form

Symbiosis SCDL MBA PGDRM PGDIT PGDHRM PGDIB Admission 2015-2016 Prospectus Application form 

Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning (SCDL Pune)

SCDL Admission 2015-2016

Post Graduate Diploma in Retail Management (PGDRM)
Post Graduate Diploma in Information Technology (PGDIT)
Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (PGDHRM)
Post Graduate Diploma in International Business (PGDIB)

For Prospectus & Application form, please contact SCDL at during the enrollment period.
SCDL prospectus and application forms are available at SCDL offices in Pune, Nasik, Bangalore and select Axis Bank branches nationwide, on payment of Rs. 1000/- by cash or Rs. 1100/- for receipt of prospectus  within India or US$ 75 / Rs. 3600/ - for receipt outside India.

Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning (SCDL Pune)

IMS Ghaziabad PGDM Admission 2015-2016 group discussion simulation exercises personal interview

Institute of Management Studies (IMS Ghaziabad)

Admission 2015-2016

PG Diploma in Management (PGDM) (Marketing Management) 
Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) 
PG Diploma in Management Tourism Management PGDM (Tourism Management) 
Post Graduate Diploma in Management (Information Technology) (PGDM-IT) 
Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) 

Admission Procedure
IMS uses CAT/MAT/ATMA/GMAT/CMAT for short listing candidates for all the above programmes.
IIMs have no role either in the selection process or in the conduct of the programme.
Apply to IMS by filling in a separate application form for each programme.
Foreign/NRI applicants can apply by submitting valid GMAT scores. NRI applicants residing in India will have to appear in CAT/MAT/ATMA/CMAT.
Final Selection will be based on the performance in CAT/MAT/ATMA/GMAT/CMAT, group discussion/ simulation exercises, personal interview and some other parameters.

Institute of Management Studies (IMS Ghaziabad)
Uttar Pradesh 

JEST Entrance Exam 2015-2016 dates online application form result fees prospectus

Entrance Exam 2015-2016

Joint Entrance Screening Test (JEST) 

Applicants seeking admission for a Ph.D / Integrated Ph.D Programme in Physics or Theoretical Computer Science or Neuroscience in one of the Participating Institutes may appear for the Joint Entrance Screening Test (JEST) at one of the Exam Centers. 

Application Procedure
·         Applications for JEST- 2015 can be submitted ON-LINE ONLY.
·         Last date of ON-LINE submission of applications is December 8, 2014.
·         Before filling the ON-LINE application form, candidate is requested to read the following instructions carefully.

Application Fee
An Application Fee of Rs. 300 (Rs 150 for SC/ST applicants ONLY) is required to be paid along with the application which can be paid online using Debit/Credit cards and Net-banking. Payment by any other mode will NOT be accepted. 

Important Dates:
Online applications will be accepted from November 1, 2014
Last date for online submissions is December 8, 2014
JEST 2015 will be held on Sunday, 15 February 2015
For details visit

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Symbiosis MBA Admission 2015-2016 application form registration fees date

Symbiosis International University (SIU Pune)

Symbiosis MBA Admission 2015-2016

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

After online SNAP registration print ‘Axis Bank Challan’ from SNAP website, this is in 3 parts. Pay Rs. 1550/- in cash only at any Axis Bank branch in your city. Refer to the list of branches on the website. The bank will return two stamped parts of the ‘Axis Bank Challan’. ‘Student copy’ as a receipt for candidate.

Symbiosis International University (SIU Pune)

AIMA New Delhi PhD in Business Administration Admission 2015-2016

AIMA New Delhi PhD in Business Administration Admission 2015-2016

All India Management Association (AIMA New Delhi)

Admission 2015-2016

PhD in Business Administration

The Process and Eligibility Norms
Aspiring candidate will be screened through a written test Research Management Aptitude Test (R-MAT) and candidates above a-cut-off R-MAT score, which PhD Committee decides, would be called for personal interview at AIMA, on the subject and related areas.Delhi
Applying Online through Demand Draft
Fill-in RMAT Registration Form Online
Visit the link for applying online.
Visit this page regularly to view updated information.
Obtaining of Demand Draft (Pre-Requisite):
You have to provide certain details from the Demand Draft at the time of online registration. Therefore, you must have the Demand Draft ready before filling up the Registration Form.
You are required to obtain a Demand Draft for Rs.1500/- drawn in favour of 'All India Management Association' payable at New Delhi, in advance.

All India Management Association (AIMA New Delhi) 
New Delhi

SOA University MBA Admission 2015-2016 application form fees date prospectus GD PI

SOA University MBA Admission 2015-2016 application form fees date prospectus GD PI 

Siksha O Anusandhan University (SOAU Bhubaneswar)

SOA University MBA Admission 2015-2016

Master of Business Management (MBA) 

Cost of one set of application form is Rs 750/- (Rs 800/- by post, DD in favour of Siksha O Anusandhan University, payable at Bhubaneswar). Application Form can also be downloaded from University website and sent to the undersigned with a DD of Rs. 750/- in favour of Siksha O Anusandhan University, payable at Bhubaneswar.

SOA University 
Siksha O Anusandhan University (SOAU Bhubaneswar)

University of Agricultural Sciences PGDA Admission 2015-2016 Distance Learning Mode

University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS Bangalore)

Admission 2015-2016

Post Graduate Diploma in Agriculture (PGDA) Distance Learning Mode 

Criteria for Selection of Candidates: On receiving and scrutinizing the applications, the list of selected candidates will be prepared based on academic qualifications; the Admission Committee will be the final authority to decide the number of candidates to be admitted

Verification of all the original certificates will be done on the fixed date (see the calendar of events) during the beginning of the first semester and have to pay the prescribed fee

University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS Bangalore)

IIM Lucknow FPM Admission 2015-2016 application form fees date prospectus

Indian Institute of Management (IIM Lucknow)

Admission 2015-2016

Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) 

Selection Procedure:
Applicants who fulfill the above eligibility criteria stated above are required to take Common Admission Test (CAT) held by the IIMs.
The applicants short-listed on the basis of their academic record and performance in the competitive examinations mentioned above will be called to Lucknow for a personal interview for final selection in April 2015 and the successful applicants will receive offers by mid-May 2015.

Indian Institute of Management (IIM Lucknow)
Uttar Pradesh 

SMU Manipal MBA Admission 2015-2016 Group Discussions Interviews fees date form

Sikkim Manipal University (SMU Manipal)

Admission 2015-2016

Master of Business Administration MBA

Graduate Engineers and Bachelor's degree holders in 10+2+3 scheme with at least 50% marks (with 5% relaxation for SC/ST/OBC students) at graduation level will be selected based on performance in the Management Aptitude Test (MAT)/ (CAT). Candidates should apply to SMIT on the prescribed form quoting their MAT/CAT score. Candidates will be selected based on their performance in Group Discussions and Interviews to be conducted at SMIT, Rangpo on the dates given on the page of IMPORTANT DATES. An entrance test for those not having a MAT/CAT score.

Sikkim Manipal University (SMU Manipal)
Distance Education Wing 

Alagappa University Distance Education MBA BEd Admission 2015-2016 BLIS MCom MSc

Alagappa University, Directorate of Distance Education (AUDDE Tamil Nadu)

Admission 2015-2016

Bachelor of Library & Information Science (BLIS)
Bachelor of Education (BEd)
Master of Commerce (MCom)
Master of Science (MSc) [Specialization in: Industrial Chemistry, Textile Chemistry, Electro Chemistry]
Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Admission Procedure
The candidate may seek admission either directly to the University or through any one of the approved Study Centres. The list of Approved Study Centres is placed in this website.

If the candidates enroll directly with the University, the Course Materials shall be directly sent to them and they have to attend the Contact Classes at Karaikudi.

If candidates enroll through Study Centres, the Course Materials shall be sent through the Study Centres and they have to attend the Contact Classes arranged by the Study Centres at their places.

Alagappa University, Directorate of Distance Education (AUDDE Tamil Nadu)
Alagappa University 
Tamil Nadu 

IIM Rohtak FPM Admission 2015-2016 Application form fees date prospectus

Indian Institute of Management (IIM Rohtak)

Admission 2015-2016

Doctoral Programme in Management (FPM)

Application Process: Application form can be freely downloaded from the institute’s website.
A filled-in form along with an application fee of Rs. 500/- in the form of a crossed Demand Draft should be received at the institute by 30th January, 2015 
Application form and other details are available at

Admission Procedure: The admission will be open to all Indian citizens, non-resident Indians, persons of Indian origin living abroad and other foreign citizens
Admission will be based on academic qualifications, performance in the qualifying examination/tests, personal interviews and the work experience

Indian Institute of Management (IIM Rohtak)

IISWBM Kolkata MHRM MBA Admission 2015-2016 Application Form Brochure fes date

Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management (IISWBM Kolkata)

Admission 2015-2016

Master of Human Resource Management (MHRM) (Session 2015-2017)
Master of Business Administration (MBA) (Session 2015-2017)

Application Form & Brochure: Available from the Reception Counter of IISWBM on cash payment of Rs. 1500/-. Application Form may also be downloaded from and payment made through State Bank of India Power Jyoti Account of IISWBM No. 32495656710. For details refer to our website.
For student loan, we have arrangement with some Banks subject to fulfillment of respective banker's formalities.
Classes will commence from July 2015.

Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management (IISWBM Kolkata)
West Bengal 

JD Institute of Fashion Technology MSc BSc Diploma Admission 2015-2016 fees form date prospectus

JD Institute of Fashion Technology (JDIFT New Delhi)

Admission 2015-2016

Diploma in Interior Design
Diploma in Fashion Design
Diploma in Fashion Business Management
MSc Degree in Textile Design
MSc Degree in Fashion Communication

BSc Degree in Interior Design
BSc Degree in Fashion Design

The process of admission is open to all candidates who have successfully completed 10+2 examination from a recognized board. For the course programs the admission is subject to the availability of seats. Students can apply for prospectus and application and block seats by paying registration fees. For B.Sc and M.Sc degree programs the applicant must qualify in a test conducted by the institute.

JD Institute of Fashion Technology (JDIFT New Delhi)
New Delhi  

T A Pai Management Institute PGDM Admission 2015-2016 application form fees date prospectus

T A Pai Management Institute PGDM Admission 2015-2016 application form fees date prospectus  

T A Pai Management Institute (TAPMI Manipal) 

Admission 2015-2016

Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) (Banking & Financial Services)
Post Graduate Diploma in Management – Health Care (PGDM-HC)
Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)
Executive Post Graduate Programme in E-Governance (EPGP-EG) 

Working Professionals from Corporate Sector, Central and State Governments and Public Sector Enterprises with min 5 Years' Experience

Brochures at Rs. 1500/- available at Axis Bank/Syndicate Bank/HDFC Bank/T.I.M.E. and IMS Coaching centers across the country.

T A Pai Management Institute (TAPMI Manipal) 

NIT Warangal PhD MBA Admission 2015-2016 application fee form date prospectus

National Institute of Technology (NIT Warangal)

Admission 2015-2016

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Master of Business Administration (MBA)

First class Bachelor’s Degree in any branch of Engineering/Technology with a valid CAT/JMET score card.
NOTE: SC/ST and PC Candidates with 55% marks or with 6.0 CGPA are also eligible
to apply for the programme.

Applications are to be submitted along with photocopies of necessary certificates and with Demand Draft for Rs. 700/- (Rs. 350/- for SC/ST candidates) towards the application fee. D.D. must be drawn in favour of Director, NIT Warangal, payable at S.B.H, NIT Warangal Branch (Code No. 20149) or any other Nationalized Bank payable at Warangal..

National Institute of Technology (NIT Warangal)
Andhra Pradesh 

BITS Pilani MBA MTech Admission 2015-2016 Application form fees date prospectus

Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS Pilani)

Admission 2015-2016

MBA in Quality Management
MBA in Manufacturing Management
MBA in Consultancy Management
MTech in Software Systems Integrated
MTech in Quality Management
MTech in Manufacturing Management
MTech in Software Systems

Integrated First Degree of BITS or equivalent, such as B.E./B.Tech./B.S./M.Sc./MCA/ AMIE in relevant disciplines, with minimum one year relevant work experience.

Pay Online Payment through Net Banking / Credit Card / Debit Card

Pay Rs. 1525/- through cash at all ICICI Bank branches through a Challan(PDF document) which is to be downloaded and printed from this website before making the payment.

Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS Pilani)

IIRM Hyderabad PGDAS Admission 2015-2016 Post Graduate Diploma in Actuarial Sciences

Institute of Insurance and Risk Management (IIRM Hyderabad) 

Admission 2015-2016

Post Graduate Diploma in Actuarial Sciences (PGDAS)

Graduates of any discipline including engineers from any recognized University (with a minimum of 50% marks) or any professional qualification. Post Graduates of any discipline with a minimum of 50% marks even if the candidates secure less than 50% in their graduation.

Accreditation: IPGDI (Life & General) and IPGDRM courses are accredited by Chartered Insurance Institute, London. Also by insurance institute of India (III), Mumbai.

IRDA has recognized IPGD Course to be on par with Fellowship of III Mumbai Institute as suitable certificate for placement into insurance sector.

Institute of Insurance and Risk Management (IIRM Hyderabad) 
Andhra Pradesh 

L M Thapar School of Management MBA Admission 2015-2016 application form fees date

L M Thapar School of Management, Patiala
Thapar University 

Admission 2015-2016

MBA Specialization: Human Resource, Operations, Marketing, Information Systems, Finance, Energy

Admission Procedure: Candidates seeking admission in LM Thapar School of Management (LMTSOM), Thapar University (TU) shall fill up the application form available online on
The application form can be filled online at  The application fee (Rs. 1500/-) can be paid online or through DD (in favour of Thapar University payable at Patiala).

L M Thapar School of Management, Patiala

MDU-DDE Rohtak MBA BTM MCom MA MSc Admission 2015-2016 Application Form Brochure

Maharshi Dayanand University, Directorate of Distance Education, MDU-DDE, Rohtak

Admission 2015-2016

Master of Science (MSc) (Biochemistry)
Master of Arts (MA) (Education)
Master of Commerce (MCom)
Bachelor of Tourism Management (BTM)
Master of Business Administration (MBA)

The Information Brochure containing Application Form can be obtained from the Incharge Publication Cell, M.D. University, Rohtak either in person or on payment of Rs. 400/- (Rs. 100/- for SC/BC candidates of Haryana only) in cash or by post by sending a request alongwith a Bank Draft of Rs. 500/- (Rs. 200/- for SC/BC of Haryana only).

Maharshi Dayanand University, Directorate of Distance Education, MDUDDE, Rohtak

Central Footwear Training Institute Admission 2015-2016 PG Diploma in Footwear Technology

Central Footwear Training Institute (CFTI Agra)

Admission 2015-2016

Crash Course in Footwear Design & Manufacturing
Certificate Course in Computer Aided Shoe Designing
Certificate Course in Footwear Manufacturing Technology
PG Diploma in Footwear Technology

Prospectus cost: Counter Sale Rs. 600/. Through post on sending of DD of Rs. 650/- in facour of Director, CFTI payable at Agra.
Reservation: As per Govt. of India rules of SC/ST candidate. The course is not suitable for persons with disability viz Blindness or Orthopadically handicapped/Locomotor Disability/cerebral paisy with one Arm or one Leg affected as the trainees have to operate Heavy Footwear Machinery during the training.

Central Footwear Training Institute (CFTI Agra)
Uttar Pradesh  

FMS Delhi MBA Admission 2015-2016 application form fees date result

Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi (FMS-UD Delhi)

FMS Delhi MBA Admission 2015-2016

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Master of Business Administration (MBA) 

Applicants can register themselves for admission to two year full time MBA and Ph.D. programmes through FMS website by filling up online registration form and by paying the requisite fee of Rs.1000/- (Rs.350/- for SC/ST/PWD category) for each programme, during 8th October, 2014 to 10th November, 2014. Admission to MBA programme will be based on Extempore Speech, Personal Interview &
CAT-2014 score (Common Admission Test conducted by Indian Institutes of Management on 16th November & 22nd November, 2014). Applicants who have not taken CAT-2014 will not be considered for admission.

Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi (FMSUD Delhi)

National Institute of Social Defence PGDIGC Admission 2015-2016 Prospectus form fees dates

National Institute of Social Defence (NISD New Delhi)

Admission 2015-2016

Post Graduate Diploma in Integrated Geriatric Care (PGDIGC)

Interested Candidates may send their applications in prescribed Form given in the Prospectus which can be had from Old Age Care Division, National Institute of Social Defence, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, West Block-1, Wing-3, First Floor, K. K. Puram, New Defhi-110066 (Tel. 26106883) from 10.00 AM to 4.00 PM on working days by paying Rs. 50/- personally or by sending Demand Draft/Pay Order for Rs. 80/-. The Draft/Pay Order should be drawn in favour of Director “National Institute of Social Defence” payable at New Delhi.

National Institute of Social Defence (NISD New Delhi)
New Delhi 

IGTR Aurangabad Admission 2015-2016 P.G Diploma CAD CAM CNC Machining Tool and Die Manufacturing

Indo German Tool Room (IGTR Aurangabad)

Admission 2015-2016

Post Diploma in Tool and Die Manufacturing
P.G Diploma in Tool Design and CAD CAM
Advance Course in CNC Machining

Eligible candidates will be offered admission on first come first served basis on depositing an amount of Rs. 5,000/- (Non Refundable) by cash/DD in favour of “Indo-German Tool Room, Aurangabad” drawn on any nationalized bank payable at Aurangabad along with filled up application form.  Application form along with prospects can be obtained in person / by post from IGTR, Aurangabad / Pune Sub Centre / Nagpur Sub Centre or request for application form on Email by giving Phone No. and Full Postal Address.

Indo German Tool Room (IGTR Aurangabad)

Thursday, 30 October 2014

UPPGMET 2015-2016 online application form entrance test date fee result

UPPGMET 2015-2016 online application form entrance test date fee result 

Entrance Exam 2015-2016


U P Unaided Medical Colleges Welfare Association

General Information Regarding UPPGMET-2015
·         UPPGMET-2015 will be organised for admission in MD/MS/ Post Graduate Diploma Courses for Academic Session 2015-16 in unaided minority as well as non minority member medical colleges of Uttar Pradesh.
·         The entrance examination will be held on 10th January, 2015, Saturday from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM.
·         There will be a total no. of 250 objective type multiple choice questions as per the guideline of syllabus given in the appendix of this brochure.
·         The UPPGMET-2015 will consists of a maximum of 250 marks.
·         Minimum cut-off pass percentage of marks in UPPGMET-2015 shall be 50% and merit shall be determined on the basis of marks secured in UPPGMET-2015.
·         There will be negative marks of 1/4 for each wrong answer.
·         More than one answer marked in OMR answer sheet will also be considered as wrong answer.
·         Only Black Ball Point Pen shall be used for answering on OMR answer sheet as per direction even in the OMR Sheet.

Important Dates:
Forms available for online filling / download --- October 20, 2014 (Monday)
Forms available at participating colleges --- November 15, 2014 (Saturday)
Last date for online form submission --- December 24, 2014 (Wednesday)
Last Date for form submission through post --- December 29, 2014 (Monday)
Date of Entrance Examination --- January 10, 2015 (Saturday)
Result Declaration --- Second Week of February 2015
Counselling --- March, 2015

For details visit

NID Ahmedabad Design Aptitude Test 2015 application form fees date result

Entrance Exam 2015-2016

National Institute of Design NID, Ahmedabad Design Aptitude Test 2015

The National Institute of Design (NID) offers a 4-year Graduate Diploma Programme in Design (CDPD) and 2 ½ year Postgraduate Diploma Programme in Design (PCDPD) at Ahmedabad, Candhinagar, and Bengaluru Campuses
The National Institute of Design (NID), Ahmedabad has invited application for an entrance test to be held on January for admission to its postgraduate diploma programme in design (PGDPD) and graduate diploma programme in design (GDPD) for the year 2015-16

Eligibility: Candidates having a Bachelor's degree or equivalent including those who will be appearing for the qualifying examinations during the academic year (2012-13) in the areas mentioned against each discipline are eligible to apply. 

Important Dates:
Last date for receiving the completed application forms at NID is: NOVEMBER 21, 2014.
Design aptitude test for B. Des. (at all centres)
Design aptitude test for M. Des (at all centres)
For details visit

NALSAR N-MET 2015 Entrance exam dates GD PI date Result application form

Entrance Exam 2015-2016

NALSAR Management Entrance Test, N-MET 2015

NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad has announced the exam dates for NALSAR Management Entrance Test (N-MET 2015), which will be conducted in February 2015. The N-MET will be held on Saturday, February 21, 2015.
N-MET is conducted for taking admission to Master of Business Administration (MBA) program offered at Centre for Management Studies (CMS) for the academic session 2015-17.

Graduates of any discipline with atleast 50% marks in aggregate from a recognized institute/university with valid CAT-2014 / XAT-2015 / CMAT-2014 / GMAT / GRE scores can apply. Candidates appearing in the qualifying exam are also eligible to apply.

Important Dates:
Last Date of receiving filled in Application Form 20th December, 2014
Display of shortlisted candidate for GD & PI 20th January, 2015
NMET @ following centres: Hyderabad | Bengaluru |New Delhi | Mumbai |Kolkata | Guwahati | Bhubaneswar | Chandigarh | Patna 21st February, 2015
GD & PI (Round-1) @ the above mentioned centres 21st -22nd February, 2015
GD & PI (Round-2) Hyderabad Centre Only 7th March, 2015
Declaration of Result / Merit list 21st March, 2015
Acceptance of offer by the Student 15th April, 2015
Completion of Admission formalities 5th May, 2015
Notification of Vacant seatsin order of merit (if any) 7th May, 2015
Acceptance of offer against vacant seats 20th May, 2015
Admission against vacant seats 10th June, 2015
Induction & Orientation 30th June, 2015
Commencement of Class 1st July, 2015
For details visit

JEE (ADVANCED) 2015 Online registration admit card Result form fees date

Entrance Exam 2015-2016

The Joint Entrance Examination JEE-Advanced is an all-India examination administered and conducted in seven IIT zones across the country by the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) for admission to Bachelor’s, Integrated Master’s and Dual Degree programs in the sixteen IITs (IIT Bhubaneswar, Bombay, Delhi, Gandhinagar, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Indore, Jodhpur, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Chennai, Mandi, Patna, Roorkee, Ropar, Varanasi) and the Indian School of Mines (ISM) Dhanbad.

Important Dates:
Online registration for JEE (Advanced) 2015 May 2-7, 2015
Downloading of admit cards May 9-12, 2015
Rectification of discrepancies, if any, in admit cards By May 14, 2015
JEE (Advanced) 2015 examination May 24, 2015
Online display of ORS June 3-5, 2015
Requests for review of responses June 3-6, 2015
Online display of answer keys June 8, 2015
Feedback from candidates on answer keys June 8-11, 2015
Online display of marks allotted June 13, 2015
Declaration of JEE (Advanced) 2015 results June 18, 2015
Online registration for architecture aptitude test June 18-19, 2015
Architecture aptitude test June 21, 2015
Online declaration of results of architecture aptitude test June 25, 2015
Online filling-in of choices June 26-30, 2015
Seat allocation (1st round) July 2, 2015
Acceptance of seats (1st round) July 2-8, 2015
Seat allocation (2nd round) July 10, 2015
Acceptance of seats (2nd round) July 11-15, 2015
First semester session begins July 16 onwards
For details visit

TISS National Entrance Test TISSNET 2015 dates Result form fees

Entrance Exam 2015-2016

TISS National Entrance Test TISSNET 2015

TISS Announces Admission to the 2015-17 batch of its Full-Time (Regular) Post-Graduate Degree Programmes (M.A., M.Sc., MHA & MPH) offered from Mumbai, Taljapur, Guwahati and Hyderabad campuses and other locations

Selection Procedure
The selection of candidates for different programmes happens in two stages and has three components of assessment; all candidates appear for the National entrance test (TISSNET) Based on the performance in the TISSNET examination, only short listed candidates are called for the Pre Interview Test and Personal Interview (PIT/PI) i) National Common Written Test - 100 Marks; ii) Pre-Interview Test / GD - 50 Marks; iii) Personal Interview - 75 Marks; Total - 225 Marks

Important Dates:
Last date for online form submission: 29th November 2014
National Entrance Test - (Computer Based): 10th January 2015
For details visit

NICMAR NCAT 2015 Result Entrance exam dates application form fees

NICMAR NCAT 2015 Result Entrance exam dates application form fees 

Entrance Exam 2015-2016

NCAT 2015, NICMAR Common Admission Test 2015

National Institute of Construction Management and Research (NICMAR), Pune has announced the exam dates for NICMAR Common Admission Test (NCAT-2015), which will be conducted in January 2015. The NCAT will be held between Monday, January 12, 2015 and Sunday, January 18, 2015.
NCAT is conducted for taking admission to Post Graduate Program (PGP) in Advanced Construction Management (ACM), Project MBA and Management (PEM), Real Estate and Urban Infrastructure Management (REUIM), Infrastructure Finance, Development and Management (IFDM), Management of Family Owned Construction Business (MFOCB), Quantity Surveying and Contract Management (QSCM) and Health, Safety and Environment Management (HSEM) offered at Pune, Hyderabad, Goa and Indore campuses for the academic session 2015.

Important Dates:
Last date of issue and submission of applications: Friday, December 12, 2014
Date of NCAT: between Monday, January 12, 2015 and Sunday, January 18, 2015
Declaration of result: Wednesday, January 28, 2015
For more details visit


Entrance Exam 2015-2016


All India Management Association conducts Management aptitude Test all over India for the admission of candidates to post graduate Management course like MBA in different discipline across the country. A lot of candidates have applied for AIMA MAT examination 2014 and now they are searching for AIMA MAT exam pattern 2014 and preparation plan to study well and score well in the upcoming AIMA MAT December examination 2014. 

Candidate can choose any one of the following modes to apply
Obtain form with MAT bulletin/CD against cash payment of Rs 1200/- (Rs one thousand two hundred only) from listed branches of Bank of Baroda, Axis Bank, listed Study Centres of AIMA or from AIMA, New Delhi; or
Obtain crossed Demand Draft (DD) of Rs 1200/- (One thousand two hundred only) in favour of ‘All India Management Association’ payable at Delhi from any Bank. Register online at website

Important Dates:
Last Date For sale of Forms: 22 November 2014 (Saturday)
Last Date for submission of filled in Registration Forms at AIMA, New Delhi: 25 November 2014 (Tuesday)
Last Date for Online Registration (Saturday): 22 November 2014 (Saturday)
Last Date for submission of filled in Online Registration Forms at AIMA, New Delhi: 25 November 2014 (Tuesday)
Date for Paper Based Test: 07 December 2014 (Sunday)
Date for Computer Based Test: 13 December 2014 (Saturday) onwards
For details visit

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Kurukshetra University Master of Education (MEd) Admission 2015-2016 Prospectus form fees date

Kurukshetra University

Admission 2015-2016

Master of Education (MEd)

Prospectus containing details and Admission Form can be obtained from the Manager (P&P), K.U. Kurukshetra by remitting a sum of Rs. 850/-  (Rs.250/- for SC/BC/SBC/EBP/Blind candidates of Haryana) by Demand Draft in favour of Registrar, K.U. payable at Kurukshetra, if required by Post

Price at the counter is Rs.800/- (Rs.200/- for SC/BC/SBC/EBP/Blind candidates of Haryana). Prospectus and Admission Form can be downloaded from University Website

Kurukshetra University

MDI Gurgaon PGP-EM NMP Admission 2015-2016 Personal Interviews form fees date

Management Developement Institute (MDI Gurgaon) 

MDI Gurgaon Admission 2015-2016

Post Graduate Programme in Management Energy Management (PGP-EM) 
National Management Programme (NMP) 

Applicants have to apply online by visiting MDI website. They can click on the programme they wish to apply for and follow the instructions given on the website. Online registration will be Open till November 28, 2014, 17:00 hrs. Candidates have to make an online payment of Rs 1800/- using Credit/Debit card/Net Banking. After the payment has been made an application receipt is generated, the candidates must take the printout of the application receipt and bring along with them at the time of their Personal Interviews. 

Management Developement Institute (MDI Gurgaon) 

IIM Bangalore PGPPM Admission 2015-2016 Application Fees date form

Indian Institute of Management (IIM Bangalore)

Admission 2015-2016

PG Programme in Public Policy and Management (PGPPM)

Application Fee
For open and overseas candidates applying with GMAT/GRE scores, the application fee is Rs. 1500/- (Rupees one thousand five hundred only) and for those open candidates who take the CAT 2014, the application fee is Rs. 500/- (Rupees five hundred only).
For the Government sponsored participants, there is no application fee. The application fee should be paid online through the payment gateway while submitting the application form

Indian Institute of Management (IIM Bangalore)

RGPV Bhopal MBA BE MTech Admission 2015-2016 RNET entrance test form fees dates

Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya (RGPV Bhopal) 

Admission 2015-2016

MTech (Biotechnology)
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Bachelor of Engineering (BE)

At the time of admission the candidate should have passed 10+2 or equivalent examination, conducted by Board of Secondary Education, Madhya Pradesh or any other recognised board, in first division (relaxation of 5% marks for reserved category candidates of Madhya Pradesh) securing pass marks separately in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
The reservation of seats shall be applicable as per the norms of Govt of Madhya Pradesh
RNET-2014: The RNET-2014 entrance test in various centers of the country
For further details regarding seat availability, syllabus for the test, fee etc log on to the website

Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya (RGPV Bhopal) 
Madhya Pradesh 

IIST Thiruvananthapuram MTech BTech Admission 2015-2016 online registration form fees date

Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST Thiruvananthapuram)

Admission 2015-2016

MTech in Chemical Systems
BTech {Physical Sciences}
BTech {Avionics}
BTech {Aerospace Engineering}

The web portal for online registration will be opened in the month of May 2014
Candidates residing abroad can remit the Registration fee through Demand Draft (DD) issued by any bank out side India
The Demand Draft for the amount mentioned above should be drawn in favour of “THE REGISTRAR, IIST” payable at THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, INDIA
Candidates are requested to write the Name and Registration Number on the back side of the Demand Draft (DD) and send to “The Chairman, B.Tech. Admissions-2014, Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Valiamala (P.O.), Thiruvananthapuram-695547 Kerala”, India

Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST Thiruvananthapuram)

RGNIYD Sriperumbudur Youth-led Development Programme (YDP) Admission 2015-2016

Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD Sriperumbudur)

Admission 2015-2016

Youth-led Development Programme (YDP)

The Registrar, Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (Institution of National Importance by the Act of Parliament No.35/2012), Ministry of Skill Development, Entrepreneurship, Youth Affairs & Sports, Govt of India Sriperumbudur-602105, Tamil Nadu, Phone: +91-044-27162705, Email:, Website

Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD Sriperumbudur)
Tamil Nadu 

IMI Bhubaneswar PGDM Admission 2015-2016 Application Form fees date CAT/XAT/GMAT registration number

International Management Institute (IMI Bhubaneswar)

Admission 2015-2016

Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)

The IMI Admission Bulletin and Admission Application Form can be downloaded from website
·         Applicant should fill-up the application form and submit the same along with the admission fee which is non-refundable.
·         Admission application fee is Rs. 500.
·         Admission fee can be paid through Demand Draft (DD), drawn in favor of International Management Institute, Bhubaneswar payable at Bhubaneswar. Applicants must write the CAT/XAT/GMAT registration number on the reverse of the DD, in the absence of which, the application will be treated as incomplete and can be rejected.

International Management Institute (IMI Bhubaneswar)