Entrance Exam 2015-2016
The aspiring candidates have to apply online only through JEE (Main) website. The online application process will start from 7th November, 2014 onwards, the last date for application is 18th December, 2014. The eligibility criteria for JEE (Main) & JEE (Advanced) are different.
JEE (Main) - 2015 shall have two papers, Paper-1 (B.E./B.Tech.) and Paper-2(B. Arch./ B. Planning). Depending upon on the course(s) candidates are seeking admission, may take Paper-1 (B.E./B. Tech.), or Paper-2 (B. Arch./ B. Planning), or both.
How To Apply:
Online application has to be submitted through JEE (Main) - 2015 website. The aspiring candidate should furnish all the details and upload scanned image of his/her photograph, signature and left hand thumb impression while filling up the 'On-line' Application. Candidates are required to take a print out of the computer generated acknowledgment slip after successful submission of data and payment of fee and keep the same in the safe custody for any future reference.
Important Note:
The entire application process is online, including uploading of photograph & signature and payment of fee the candidates are required NOT to send any document to JEE (Main) Secretariat.
Seven (7) Steps to be followed to apply online.
Step 1: Download the information bulletin and read it carefully to ensure your eligibility.
Step 2: Read the contents of Online Format and instructions for applying online given in the Information Bulletin and keep the entire information ready.
Step 3: Keep the Scanned Images of your Photograph, Signature and Left Hand Thumb Impression ready in JPG format only.
Step 4: Fill in the Online Application Form.
Step 5: Upload Scanned Images of Photograph, Signature and Left Hand Thumb Impression.
Step 6: Pay Examination Fee by Debit/Credit card or e-challan (generated after submission of details in online application form).
Step 7: Download Acknowledgement Slip and keep the same in safe custody for future reference.
NOTE: The candidate should mention only his/her own Mobile No. and E-Mail ID while submitting the ON-line application, as all the communications will be sent to the candidates on their registered Mobile Number and E-mail ID only.
For information about JEE (Advanced), the candidates are advised to visit JEE (Advanced)
For details visit http://jeemain.nic.in/jeemainapparch/Welcome.aspx