National Institute of Social Defence (NISD New Delhi)
Admission 2015-2016
Post Graduate Diploma in Integrated Geriatric Care (PGDIGC)
Interested Candidates may send their applications in prescribed Form given in the Prospectus which can be had from Old Age Care Division, National Institute of Social Defence, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, West Block-1, Wing-3, First Floor, K. K. Puram, New Defhi-110066 (Tel. 26106883) from 10.00 AM to 4.00 PM on working days by paying Rs. 50/- personally or by sending Demand Draft/Pay Order for Rs. 80/-. The Draft/Pay Order should be drawn in favour of Director “National Institute of Social Defence” payable at New Delhi.
National Institute of Social Defence (NISD New Delhi)
New Delhi