UPPGMET 2015-2016 online application form entrance test date fee result
Entrance Exam 2015-2016
U P Unaided Medical Colleges Welfare Association
General Information Regarding UPPGMET-2015
· UPPGMET-2015 will be organised for admission in MD/MS/ Post Graduate Diploma Courses for Academic Session 2015-16 in unaided minority as well as non minority member medical colleges of Uttar Pradesh.
· The entrance examination will be held on 10th January, 2015, Saturday from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM.
· There will be a total no. of 250 objective type multiple choice questions as per the guideline of syllabus given in the appendix of this brochure.
· The UPPGMET-2015 will consists of a maximum of 250 marks.
· Minimum cut-off pass percentage of marks in UPPGMET-2015 shall be 50% and merit shall be determined on the basis of marks secured in UPPGMET-2015.
· There will be negative marks of 1/4 for each wrong answer.
· More than one answer marked in OMR answer sheet will also be considered as wrong answer.
· Only Black Ball Point Pen shall be used for answering on OMR answer sheet as per direction even in the OMR Sheet.
Important Dates:
Forms available for online filling / download --- October 20, 2014 (Monday)
Forms available at participating colleges --- November 15, 2014 (Saturday)
Last date for online form submission --- December 24, 2014 (Wednesday)
Last Date for form submission through post --- December 29, 2014 (Monday)
Date of Entrance Examination --- January 10, 2015 (Saturday)
Result Declaration --- Second Week of February 2015
Counselling --- March, 2015
For details visit http://www.upumcwa.org/index.htm