Thursday, 30 October 2014

UPPGMET 2015-2016 online application form entrance test date fee result

UPPGMET 2015-2016 online application form entrance test date fee result 

Entrance Exam 2015-2016


U P Unaided Medical Colleges Welfare Association

General Information Regarding UPPGMET-2015
·         UPPGMET-2015 will be organised for admission in MD/MS/ Post Graduate Diploma Courses for Academic Session 2015-16 in unaided minority as well as non minority member medical colleges of Uttar Pradesh.
·         The entrance examination will be held on 10th January, 2015, Saturday from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM.
·         There will be a total no. of 250 objective type multiple choice questions as per the guideline of syllabus given in the appendix of this brochure.
·         The UPPGMET-2015 will consists of a maximum of 250 marks.
·         Minimum cut-off pass percentage of marks in UPPGMET-2015 shall be 50% and merit shall be determined on the basis of marks secured in UPPGMET-2015.
·         There will be negative marks of 1/4 for each wrong answer.
·         More than one answer marked in OMR answer sheet will also be considered as wrong answer.
·         Only Black Ball Point Pen shall be used for answering on OMR answer sheet as per direction even in the OMR Sheet.

Important Dates:
Forms available for online filling / download --- October 20, 2014 (Monday)
Forms available at participating colleges --- November 15, 2014 (Saturday)
Last date for online form submission --- December 24, 2014 (Wednesday)
Last Date for form submission through post --- December 29, 2014 (Monday)
Date of Entrance Examination --- January 10, 2015 (Saturday)
Result Declaration --- Second Week of February 2015
Counselling --- March, 2015

For details visit

NID Ahmedabad Design Aptitude Test 2015 application form fees date result

Entrance Exam 2015-2016

National Institute of Design NID, Ahmedabad Design Aptitude Test 2015

The National Institute of Design (NID) offers a 4-year Graduate Diploma Programme in Design (CDPD) and 2 ½ year Postgraduate Diploma Programme in Design (PCDPD) at Ahmedabad, Candhinagar, and Bengaluru Campuses
The National Institute of Design (NID), Ahmedabad has invited application for an entrance test to be held on January for admission to its postgraduate diploma programme in design (PGDPD) and graduate diploma programme in design (GDPD) for the year 2015-16

Eligibility: Candidates having a Bachelor's degree or equivalent including those who will be appearing for the qualifying examinations during the academic year (2012-13) in the areas mentioned against each discipline are eligible to apply. 

Important Dates:
Last date for receiving the completed application forms at NID is: NOVEMBER 21, 2014.
Design aptitude test for B. Des. (at all centres)
Design aptitude test for M. Des (at all centres)
For details visit

NALSAR N-MET 2015 Entrance exam dates GD PI date Result application form

Entrance Exam 2015-2016

NALSAR Management Entrance Test, N-MET 2015

NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad has announced the exam dates for NALSAR Management Entrance Test (N-MET 2015), which will be conducted in February 2015. The N-MET will be held on Saturday, February 21, 2015.
N-MET is conducted for taking admission to Master of Business Administration (MBA) program offered at Centre for Management Studies (CMS) for the academic session 2015-17.

Graduates of any discipline with atleast 50% marks in aggregate from a recognized institute/university with valid CAT-2014 / XAT-2015 / CMAT-2014 / GMAT / GRE scores can apply. Candidates appearing in the qualifying exam are also eligible to apply.

Important Dates:
Last Date of receiving filled in Application Form 20th December, 2014
Display of shortlisted candidate for GD & PI 20th January, 2015
NMET @ following centres: Hyderabad | Bengaluru |New Delhi | Mumbai |Kolkata | Guwahati | Bhubaneswar | Chandigarh | Patna 21st February, 2015
GD & PI (Round-1) @ the above mentioned centres 21st -22nd February, 2015
GD & PI (Round-2) Hyderabad Centre Only 7th March, 2015
Declaration of Result / Merit list 21st March, 2015
Acceptance of offer by the Student 15th April, 2015
Completion of Admission formalities 5th May, 2015
Notification of Vacant seatsin order of merit (if any) 7th May, 2015
Acceptance of offer against vacant seats 20th May, 2015
Admission against vacant seats 10th June, 2015
Induction & Orientation 30th June, 2015
Commencement of Class 1st July, 2015
For details visit

JEE (ADVANCED) 2015 Online registration admit card Result form fees date

Entrance Exam 2015-2016

The Joint Entrance Examination JEE-Advanced is an all-India examination administered and conducted in seven IIT zones across the country by the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) for admission to Bachelor’s, Integrated Master’s and Dual Degree programs in the sixteen IITs (IIT Bhubaneswar, Bombay, Delhi, Gandhinagar, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Indore, Jodhpur, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Chennai, Mandi, Patna, Roorkee, Ropar, Varanasi) and the Indian School of Mines (ISM) Dhanbad.

Important Dates:
Online registration for JEE (Advanced) 2015 May 2-7, 2015
Downloading of admit cards May 9-12, 2015
Rectification of discrepancies, if any, in admit cards By May 14, 2015
JEE (Advanced) 2015 examination May 24, 2015
Online display of ORS June 3-5, 2015
Requests for review of responses June 3-6, 2015
Online display of answer keys June 8, 2015
Feedback from candidates on answer keys June 8-11, 2015
Online display of marks allotted June 13, 2015
Declaration of JEE (Advanced) 2015 results June 18, 2015
Online registration for architecture aptitude test June 18-19, 2015
Architecture aptitude test June 21, 2015
Online declaration of results of architecture aptitude test June 25, 2015
Online filling-in of choices June 26-30, 2015
Seat allocation (1st round) July 2, 2015
Acceptance of seats (1st round) July 2-8, 2015
Seat allocation (2nd round) July 10, 2015
Acceptance of seats (2nd round) July 11-15, 2015
First semester session begins July 16 onwards
For details visit

TISS National Entrance Test TISSNET 2015 dates Result form fees

Entrance Exam 2015-2016

TISS National Entrance Test TISSNET 2015

TISS Announces Admission to the 2015-17 batch of its Full-Time (Regular) Post-Graduate Degree Programmes (M.A., M.Sc., MHA & MPH) offered from Mumbai, Taljapur, Guwahati and Hyderabad campuses and other locations

Selection Procedure
The selection of candidates for different programmes happens in two stages and has three components of assessment; all candidates appear for the National entrance test (TISSNET) Based on the performance in the TISSNET examination, only short listed candidates are called for the Pre Interview Test and Personal Interview (PIT/PI) i) National Common Written Test - 100 Marks; ii) Pre-Interview Test / GD - 50 Marks; iii) Personal Interview - 75 Marks; Total - 225 Marks

Important Dates:
Last date for online form submission: 29th November 2014
National Entrance Test - (Computer Based): 10th January 2015
For details visit

NICMAR NCAT 2015 Result Entrance exam dates application form fees

NICMAR NCAT 2015 Result Entrance exam dates application form fees 

Entrance Exam 2015-2016

NCAT 2015, NICMAR Common Admission Test 2015

National Institute of Construction Management and Research (NICMAR), Pune has announced the exam dates for NICMAR Common Admission Test (NCAT-2015), which will be conducted in January 2015. The NCAT will be held between Monday, January 12, 2015 and Sunday, January 18, 2015.
NCAT is conducted for taking admission to Post Graduate Program (PGP) in Advanced Construction Management (ACM), Project MBA and Management (PEM), Real Estate and Urban Infrastructure Management (REUIM), Infrastructure Finance, Development and Management (IFDM), Management of Family Owned Construction Business (MFOCB), Quantity Surveying and Contract Management (QSCM) and Health, Safety and Environment Management (HSEM) offered at Pune, Hyderabad, Goa and Indore campuses for the academic session 2015.

Important Dates:
Last date of issue and submission of applications: Friday, December 12, 2014
Date of NCAT: between Monday, January 12, 2015 and Sunday, January 18, 2015
Declaration of result: Wednesday, January 28, 2015
For more details visit


Entrance Exam 2015-2016


All India Management Association conducts Management aptitude Test all over India for the admission of candidates to post graduate Management course like MBA in different discipline across the country. A lot of candidates have applied for AIMA MAT examination 2014 and now they are searching for AIMA MAT exam pattern 2014 and preparation plan to study well and score well in the upcoming AIMA MAT December examination 2014. 

Candidate can choose any one of the following modes to apply
Obtain form with MAT bulletin/CD against cash payment of Rs 1200/- (Rs one thousand two hundred only) from listed branches of Bank of Baroda, Axis Bank, listed Study Centres of AIMA or from AIMA, New Delhi; or
Obtain crossed Demand Draft (DD) of Rs 1200/- (One thousand two hundred only) in favour of ‘All India Management Association’ payable at Delhi from any Bank. Register online at website

Important Dates:
Last Date For sale of Forms: 22 November 2014 (Saturday)
Last Date for submission of filled in Registration Forms at AIMA, New Delhi: 25 November 2014 (Tuesday)
Last Date for Online Registration (Saturday): 22 November 2014 (Saturday)
Last Date for submission of filled in Online Registration Forms at AIMA, New Delhi: 25 November 2014 (Tuesday)
Date for Paper Based Test: 07 December 2014 (Sunday)
Date for Computer Based Test: 13 December 2014 (Saturday) onwards
For details visit